Services For Faculty – University Libraries - ÇàÇà²Ýapp State University


faculty watching a presentation

Services for Faculty

A list of each academic department’s liaison librarian
How to put items on reserve for your ÇàÇà²Ýapp (print, e-reserves, multimedia)
Faculty can direct ÇàÇà²Ýapp to research support by issuing an ad-hoc alert through Navigate
Request books and journal articles from other libraries, or request copies of materials from our print and microfilm collections.
Faculty Select
Providing faculty access to free open course materials and low cost library-licensed resources for your courses.
Set up an account to allow a student or a staff member to borrow items or pickup holds on your behalf. (Sprague Library only)
Get borrowing privileges at participating libraries
Sign up for a library workshop or set up a class visit with a librarian
Ask a Librarian
Help from a librarian. 24/7 chat, on-call, email, make an appointment, or search our FAQ!
Tools to help you understand and communicate the impact of your research
Authors and researchers can create a profile and deposit a copy of their scholarly works here
How to integrate library resources and services into Canvas (e.g. embed streaming video) (Sprague Library only)
A brief slideshow to orient new faculty to library services and spaces. (Sprague Library only)


Sprague Library

Bloomfield College Library